Vegan Recipe: Sichuan Chili Salted Broad Bean Snack
The vegan recipe for Sichuan Chili Salted Broad Bean Snack: Need some tasty and crunchy snacks...
The vegan recipe for Sichuan Chili Salted Broad Bean Snack: Need some tasty and crunchy snacks...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Low Fat Wholemeal Cinnamon Rolls: Cinnamon rolls are one of the...
The vegetarian recipe for Easy Eggless Cream Cheese Cupcakes: servings – 24 eggless cupcakes...
The vegan recipe for Sugar-Free Vegetarian Chestnut Mooncake: servings – 6 X 2 1/2 inches...
The vegan recipe for Eggless Almond and Raisin Mini Cakes: servings – 9 mini vegan cakes...
The vegan recipe for Steamed Sticky Rice Cake with Apple Cider Vinegar and Crushed Walnuts:...
The vegan recipe for Black Sesame and Peanut Butter Pancake Rolls: servings – 2 Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Salted and Curry Leaf Flavored Cashew Appetizer: servings – 3 Ingredients 4...
The vegan recipe for Eggless Pandan Sponge Cake: servings – 16 slices vegan cake Ingredients...
Ingredients 1 block spinach noodle (blanch in boiling water until tender, remove and drain) 1 tbsp...
The vegan recipe for Double Layer Steamed Pumpkin Buns: servings – 20 small steamed pumpkin...
The Vegan Recipe for Nutritional Spirulina Biscuits: servings – 2 baking trays of vegan...
The vegan recipe for Eggless Almond Chocolate Cookies: servings – 20 eggless vegan cookies...
The vegan recipe for Red Tortoise Cakes (Ang Ku Kueh): servings – 8 red tortoise cakes Mung...
The vegan recipe for Chestnut Shumai: servings – 50 pieces of vegan shumai Chestnut Filling...
The vegan recipe for Okara Snack: servings – 2 to 4 Ingredients 1 cup soybeans (soak in...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Banana Bread: servings – 1 loaf vegan banana bread Ingredients 10...
The vegan recipe for Sesame Crusted Sticky Rice Cakes: 10 pieces fried sticky rice cakes...
The vegan recipe for Vanilla Bean Cookies: servings – 50 vegan cookies Ingredients 3 vanilla...
The vegan recipe for Roasted Black Beans: servings – 1/2 cup roasted black beans Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Christmas Potato Stars: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 1 1/2 cups potato...
The vegan recipe for Sticky Millet with Pumpkin Dressing: servings – 3 Millet Cakes 1/2 cup...
The vegan recipe for Green Pea Samosas: servings – 8 samosas Filling 1 cup green peas 1/2...
The vegan recipe for Coconut Pancake Rolls: Ingredients 2 cups fresh shredded coconut 1 cup wheat...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Durian Cake: servings – 12 vegan cupcakes Ingredients 2 cups...
The vegan recipe for Crunchy Mashed Potato Strips: Ingredients 2 cups mashed potatoes (* steam...
The vegan recipe for Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake Puffs: servings – 16 puffs Lotus Seed Paste...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Chocolate and Coconut Shortbread: servings – 16 pieces Vegan Coconut...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Satay: servings – 35 to 40 bundles of vegan satay Ingredients Soy Meat...
The vegan recipe for Steamed Red Bean Buns: servings – 12 buns Red Bean Filling 1 cup red...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Millet Dumplings: servings – 20 dumplings Fillings Millet 2 cups sticky...
Wouldn’t this be a superb breakfast snack for your beloved mum? Don’t forget to...
The vegan recipe for Murukku: 20 – 30 murukkus Ingredients 4 cups rice flour (sieve) 1 cup...
The vegan recipe for Lavender Tapioca Cookies: servings – 40 cookies Ingredients 2 tsp dried...
These cupcakes are specially designed for individuals who are fond of low fat, low sugar,...
Wormwood is an aromatic herb which tastes a little bitter. Nevertheless, blending it into a snack...
There’re various methods to prepare a dish with the lovely Chinese New Year’s...
If you like the pan-fried version, you can then skip the preparation of the vegan accompaniment....
Coral grass is also known as sea bird’s nest. For a vegetarian or vegan, it’s an...
This easy-to-make and adorable vegan snack can also be tossed in your salad for a crunchy...
The texture of sweet potato is so mellow, when it’s fried, it emits a unique scent which is...
The vegetarian recipe for Snow White Ice Cream Cake: servings – 1 rice bowl sized cake...
The vegan recipe for My Star, My Sweetheart Tapioca Cookies (Eggless Kuih Bangkit): servings...
The vegetarian recipe for Eggless Cheese Cake: servings – 1 cake of bread loaf size Eggless...
Christmas Special The vegan recipe for Christmas Tree Oatmeal Crackers: servings – 40...
The vegan recipe for Nori Roll Crisps: servings – 8 Ingredients 20 spring roll pastry sheets...
The vegetarian recipe for Frozen Yogurt Dots: servings – 1 cup frozen yogurt dots...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Curry Puffs: servings – 12 puffs Curry Filling 4 potatoes (steam...
The vegan recipe for Lavender Jelly (no gelatin): servings – 15 to 20 jellies Ingredients 3 cups...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Five-Nut Mooncake: 10 X 100 g mooncake Nutty Stuffing 50 g walnuts...
The vetarian recipe for Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Vegetarian Egg Yolk: 10 X 100 g...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake: 8 x 100 grams mooncake Lotus Seed Paste 2...
Happy Mooncake Festival! The vegan recipe for Natural Red Bean Snowy Mooncake: 4 mooncakes Flour...
Happy Mooncake Festival! The vegetarian recipe for Black Sesame and Pumpkin Crystal Mooncake:...
The vegetarian recipe for Kelp Fritters (Vegan Keropok Lekor): Ingredients 2 cups soaked...
The vegetarian recipe for Osmanthus Jelly: servings – 15 to 20 jellies Ingredients 3 cups soaked...
The vegetarian recipe for Rice Bowl Cakes: servings – 6 Rice Bowl Cakes 2 cups rice flour 2...
The vegetarian recipe for Lotus Root Chips: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 section lotus root...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetarian Satay (Grilled Soy Meat): servings – 12 bundles...
The vegetarian recipe for Fried Mung Bean Cakes: servings – 10 cakes Ingredients 2 cups mung...
The vegetarian recipe for Sweet Corn and Peanut Pancake: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Coconut Buns: servings – 14 buns Ingredients Filling 4...
MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL The vegetarian recipe for Carnation Buns: 10 buns Ingredients 2 1/2...
The vegetarian recipe for Mango Pie: servings – 6 Ingredients Pastry 3 cups wheat flour 150 g...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Brown Sugar Cupcakes: servings – 10 cupcakes Ingredients 1...
The vegetarian recipe for Banana Chips: 2 jars of chips Ingredients 6 large unripe bananas 2 tbsp...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Jelly: servings – 15 jellies Ingredients 3 cups soaked coral grass...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Oyster Omelette: servings – 8 omelettes Ingredients 3/4 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Easy Vegan Cup Cakes: servings – 9 cup cakes Ingredients Cup Cakes...
The vegetarian recipe for Sweet Potato Dumplings Filled With Coconut Palm Sugar: servings –...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetarian Egg Tarts – eggless: servings – 20 tarts Ingredients Pastry 3...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Mango Pudding: servings – 4 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup golden flax...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Vegetable Buns: servings – 14 buns Ingredients Filling 1...
VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL The vegetarian recipe for Sweet Heart Candy: servings – 8 to...
Wishing all a happy Lantern Festival! The vegetarian recipe for Honey and Sesame Coated Orange...
The vegetarian recipe for Sticky Cake Lollipops: servings – 10 sticky cake lollipops...
The vegetarian recipe for Chocolate Cake Candy – eggless: servings – 1 basket...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Vegetarian Taro Puffs’: servings – 20 taro puffs...
The vegetarian recipe for Pineapple Tarts – eggless: servings – 30 tarts Ingredients...
The vegetarian recipe for Kelp Crackers: servings – 10 to 20 Ingredients 2 cups soaked...
The vegetarian recipe for Longevity Peach Bun: servings – 12 buns Ingredients 5 cups wheat...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Pan-Fried Taro Cake’: Cut Taro Cake into cubes and...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Sweet Potato Cake Topped with Whipped Cream: servings: 12...
The vegetarian recipe for Yogurt Tarts: servings – 12 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup wheat flour 1/2...
The vegetarian recipe for Christmas Cookies (eggless): Ingredients 1 1/2 cup wheat flour 1/2 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Gingerbread Men (eggless): Ingredients 4 cups wheat flour 1 cup butter...
Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The vegetarian recipe for Christmas Cake:...
The vegetarian recipe for Baked Vegetable Buns: Ingredients and Seasonings FILLING 250 gm yam bean...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Eggless Brownies’: Ingredients 500 g of baking chocolate...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Sweet Potato Doughnuts’: Ingredients 1 or 500 g of sweet...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Eggless Sponge Cake’: Ingredients 1 1/8 cup of wheat flour...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Baked Sweet Corns’: Ingredients 2 sweet corns 2 tablespoons...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Steamed Buns’: Ingredients 3 cups of wheat flour 1/2...
Ingredients 1/2 yam bean (cut into fine strips) 1/2 carrot (cut into fine strips) 4 shiitake...
Ingredients 1 taro (dice) 3 cups of rice flour (mix with 3 cups of water, stir well) 1 packet of...
Ingredients 2 yam beans (cut into thin strips) 5 shiitakes (soak in water until soft, cut into...
Ingredients 1/2 pumpkin (peal, steam and set aside) 1/2 cup of coconut milk 2 cups of wheat flour...
Ingredients 3 cups of glutinous rice flour (glutinous rice dough = combine 2 cups of glutinous...