Vegan Recipe: Easy Beet Chips
The vegan recipe for Easy Beet Chips: servings – 4 Ingredients 450 g beetroot (peel and...
The vegan recipe for Easy Beet Chips: servings – 4 Ingredients 450 g beetroot (peel and...
The vegan recipe for Fried Chestnut Dumplings: servings – 20 vegan dumplings Ingredients 20...
The vegan recipe for Fried Mashed Taro Beads with Fresh Cucumber Strips: servings – 12 mashed taro...
The vegan recipe for Millet and Mixed Vegetable Nuggets: servings – 3 Ingredients 1/2 cup...
The vegan recipe for Crispy Tofu Envelopes: servings – 8 pieces Ingredients 1 large fried...
The vegan recipe for Kombu Nuggets: servings – 20 vegan nuggets Ingredients 150 g kombu/kelp...
The Vegan Recipe for Fried Pumpkin and Coriander Balls: servings – 4 Ingredients 250 g...
The vegan recipe for Munchy Salted Peanut Flakes: servings – 5 Ingredients 1 cup baked and...
The vegan recipe for Pineapple Nuggets: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 400 g pineapple (peel,...
The vegan recipe for Crispy Lily Buds: servings – 3 to 6 Ingredients 30 dried lily...
The vegan recipe for Fried Carrot and Soy Mince Balls: servings – 4 Ingredients 1/2 carrot...
The vegan recipe for Deep-Fried Okara Balls: servings – 30 okara balls Ingredients 1 cup soy...
The vegan recipe for Yam Spring Rolls: servings – 14 spring rolls Ingredients 125 g yam...
The vegan recipe for Cornmeal Nuggets: servings – 4 Ingredients 2 tbsp cornmeal 2 tbsp wheat...
The vegan recipe for Fried Mashed Potatoes: servings – 3 to 6 Ingredients 6 small sized...
The vegan recipe for Fried Marinated Red Soy Meat: servings – 4 Ingredients 20 textured...
The vegan recipe for Fried Long Bean: servings – 4 Ingredients 7 long beans (cut into 2-inch...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Kimchi Pancake: servings – 3 Ingredients 1 cup Vegan Kimchi...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetable Tempura: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 2 white cabbage...
The vegetarian recipe for Fried Bitter Gourds: servings – 4 Ingredients 2 baby bitter gourds...
The Vegetarian Recipe for Crispy Bamboo Pith Rolls Filled With Taro Paste: servings – 20...
The vegetarian recipe for Golden Pumpkin: servings – 3 Ingredients 250 g pumpkin (peel and...
The vegetarian recipe for Crispy Button Mushrooms with Pea Sprouts: servings – 4 Ingredients...
The vegetarian recipe for Twinkle Twinkle Pumpkin Stars: servings – 4 Ingredients 1 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Pan-Fried Potato Strips: servings – 3 Ingredients 3 potatoes...
The vegetarian recipe for Golden Spring Sticks: servings – 5 Ingredients 20 small spring...
The vegetarian recipe for Crispy Shimeji Mushrooms: servings – 2 Ingredients 150 g shimeji...
The vegetarian recipe for Yam Fries: servings – 4 Ingredients 600 g yam (peel and cut into...
The vegetarian recipe for Fried Snow Mushrooms: servings – 4 Ingredients 2 snow...
The vegetarian recipe for Potato Nuggets: servings – 3 Ingredients 3 potatoes (peel, steam...
The vegetarian recipe for Cowberry Rolls: servings – 20 rolls Ingredients 1 cup cowberries...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Fried Okra’: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 15...
The vegetarian recipe for Fried Kombu Rolls: servings – 20 rolls Ingredients 50 gm dried...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Crunchy Baby Corns’: Ingredients 12 baby corns 1 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Yummy Seaweed Rolls’: Ingredients 2 sheets of raw seaweed...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Fried Lotus Root Slices’: Ingredients 1 or 250 g of lotus...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Fried Purple Yam Balls’: Ingredients 500g of purple yam...
What a milestone! This is Vege Angel’s 100th vegetarian recipe – ‘Golden...
Ingredients 2 pieces of wood ear/blank fungus 黑木耳 hei mu er (soak in water until soft, tear into...
Ingredients 1 cauliflower (cut into florets, wash and set aside) 1 cup of self-rising flour...
Ingredients 4 potatoes (steam, peel, mash and set aside) 1/2 pumpkin (steam, peel, mash and set...
Ingredients 1 kg of pumpkin (peel, remove seeds, shred and set aside) 1 cup of wheat flour 2...
Ingredients 2 cups of crushed coconut 1 cup of wheat flour 1 cup of coconut milk Seasonings 1/2...
Ingredients 1 small packet of oyster mushrooms 1/2 cup of self-rising flour Seasonings 1/4...
Ingredients 4 tablespoons of black sesame powder ½ cup of self-rising flour ½ cup of biscuit...
Ingredients 1 packet of vegetable rolls/vegetarian Misua prawn Seasonings soy sauce Method Pan-fry...
Ingredients 2 small packets of oyster mushroom (rinse and tear into thin strips) 2 sheets of dried...
Ingredients 4 pieces of bean curd (crush) 8 pieces of bread (cut into half-square triangles) 1 cup...
Ingredients 1/2 loaf of vegetarian fish/素食乌柳宜 su shi wu liu yu (cut into cubes, mince and set...