Vegan Recipe: Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Mousse
The vegan recipe for Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Mousse: servings – 1 Ingredients 1/2 cup...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Mousse: servings – 1 Ingredients 1/2 cup...
The vegan recipe for Sweet Corn and Coconut Milk Popsicles: servings – 8 vegan popsicles...
The vegan recipe for Banana and Strawberry Smoothie: servings – 1 Ingredients 1 banana (peel...
The vegan recipe for Lemon Soy Milk Pudding: servings – 1 Ingredients 1 cup soy milk 1/2 lemon...
The vegan recipe for Citrus Tea: servings – 2 Ingredients 2 oranges (peel and cut into 8...
The vegan recipe for Lotus Seed, Lily Bulb and Red Date Dessert Soup: servings – 6...
The vegetarian recipe for Taro Ice Cream: servings – 500 g vegetarian ice cream Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Ginkgo Nut and Coix Seed Dessert Soup: servings – 6 Ingredients 1 cup...
The vegan recipe for Monk Fruit with Candied Tangerine Tea: servings – 5 Ingredients 1 fresh...
The vegan recipe for Yacon and Snow Mushroom Dessert Soup: servings – 5 Ingredients 300 g...
The vegan recipe for Hot Ginger Lemongrass Tea: servings – 4 cups Ingredients 4 stalks lemongrass...
The vegan recipe for Natural Apple Tea: servings – 3 Ingredients 6 small apples (peel, core...
The vegan recipe for Strawberry and Sweet Potato Ice Cream: servings – 4 Ingredients 12...
The vegan recipe for Roselle Tea: servings – 5 Ingredients 20 fresh roselle calyxes (wash...
Osmanthus flower is a herbal flower with charming golden yellowish petals; though it’s tiny,...
Yes! No milk, no eggs, it’s natural and healthy, it’s Vegan ice cream! Pumpkin and...
Wishing you a Fruitful & Happy New Year! The vegan recipe for Apple, Celery and Carrot Juice:...
The vegan recipe for Watermelon and Lemon Juice: servings – 3 Ingredients 3 cups seeded...
The vegan recipe for White Wheat Berry Dessert Soup: servings – 3 Ingredients 1/2 cup white...
The vegetarian recipe for Hot Ginger Milk: servings – 1 Ingredients 1 cup fresh milk 2...
The vegetarian recipe for Banana and Coconut Milk Dessert: servings – 3 Ingredients 4...
The vegetarian recipe for Coral Grass Dessert: servings – 2 Ingredients 1/2 cup coral...
The vegetarian recipe for Refreshing Aloe Vera Dessert: servings – 4 Ingredients 1 stalk...
The vegetarian recipe for Papaya Milk Dessert: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 1/2 cups papaya...
The vegetarian recipe for Mango Lassi: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 cup mango chunks 1/2 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Yam and Red Date Dessert Soup: servings – 4 Ingredients 250 g yam...
The vegetarian recipe for Black Sticky Rice Dessert Soup: servings – 4 Ingredients 1 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Black Sesame Dessert Soup: servings – 3 Ingredients 1/2 cup black...
The vegetarian recipe for Coconut Milkshake: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 young coconut (take...
The vegetarian recipe for Cream of Chestnut Dessert Soup: servings – 2 Ingredients 20 peeled...
The vegetarian recipe for Cassava and Sago Pearls Dessert Soup: servings – 8 Ingredients 1...
The vegetarian recipe for Glutinous Rice Balls in Brown Sugar Dessert Soup: servings – 60...
The vegetarian recipe for Snow Pear and Snow Mushroom Dessert Soup: servings – 8 Ingredients...
The vegetarian recipe for Papaya Yogurt Smoothie: servings – 2 to 3 Ingredients 3 cups fresh...
The vegetarian recipe for Durian Dessert Soup: Ingredients 1 durian (take the flesh) 1 slice or...
The vegetarian recipe for Carrot and Grape Smoothie: servings – 2 Ingredients 15 seedless...
The vegetarian recipe for Apple and Ground Cashew Nuts Milk Shake: Ingredients 1 apple (peel,...
The vegetarian recipe for Peanut Butter Soup: Ingredients 4 tbsp peanut butter 2 tbsp evaporated...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Strawberry Smoothie with Honey’: Ingredients 2 cups...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Sweet Potato and Sago Pearls Soup’: Ingredients 500 g of or...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Snow Pear Soup’: Ingredients 4 snow pears (peel, remove...
Ingredients 1 taro (dice) 1 sweet potato (dice) 3 tablespoons of coconut milk Seasonings 4...
Ingredients 1 cup of red bean (rinse) 1 cup of mung bean (rinse) Seasonings 1/2 cup of sugar...