Vegan Recipe: Corn and Coriander Vegetable Hotcakes
The vegan recipe for Corn and Coriander Vegetable Hotcakes: servings – 5 pieces Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Corn and Coriander Vegetable Hotcakes: servings – 5 pieces Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Beet and Coconut Veggie Burger: servings – 6 veggie burgers Ingredients...
The vegan recipe for Pumpkin Buns: servings – 10 vegan buns Ingredients 250 g pumpkin (steam...
The vegan recipe for Golden Roasted Eggplant with Textured Soy Protein and Cherry Tomatoes:...
The vegan recipe for Vegan French Fries Pizza: servings – 1 vegan pizza Pizza Dough 2 1/2...
The vegan recipe for Coriander Flatbread: servings – 1 Ingredients 1 cup wheat flour 1 stalk...
The vegan recipe for Baked Eggplant with Black Pepper Powder: servings – 2 Ingredients 1...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Raisin Buns: servings – 8 vegan buns Ingredients 1 cup raisins 2...
The vegan recipe for Basil Flatbread: servings – 1 flatbread Ingredients 10 g basil leaves...
The vegan recipe for Gluten-Free Potato Doughnuts: servings – 15 to 20 gluten-free doughnuts...
The vegan recipe for Vegan Carrot Omelette: servings – 2 vegan omelettes Ingredients 12...
The vegan recipe for Asparagus in White Button Mushroom Sauce: servings – 4 Ingredients 30...
The vegan recipe for Oatmeal Flatbread: 8 pieces of flatbread Ingredients 1 cup oatmeal 1 cup...
The vegan recipe for Flax Seed Bread: servings – 1 loaf of flax seed bread Ingredients 1 cup...
Wouldn’t this be a superb breakfast snack for your beloved mum? Don’t forget to...
The vegan recipe for Tofu Burgers: servings – 8 vegan burgers Ingredients 2 blocks soft tofu...
Rushing for work? Try this vegan and gluten-free omelette, it’s super quick to prepare and...
A light and romantic vegan valentine meal which requires no dizzy skills. Quick, easy yet...
The vegan recipe for Green Bean Omelette: servings – 4 Ingredients 15 green beans (slice...
The vegan recipe for Gluten-Free Tomato Pizza: servings – 6 Gluten-Free Pizza Bread 350 g potatoes...
Happy Thanksgiving! The vegan recipe for Vegan Pumpkin Pie: servings – 1 pumpkin pie Pumpkin...
The vegetarian recipe for Mini Peach Tartlets (eggless): servings – 10 mini tartlets Pastry...
The vegetarian recipe for Easy Tomato Pizza: servings – 1 pizza PIZZA DOUGH 5 cups wheat...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Hot Dog Buns: servings – 3 Vegan Hot Dog Buns 2 cups wheat flour 1...
The vegetarian recipe for Flax Seed Pancakes: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 cup self-rising...
The vegetarian recipe for Bell Pepper Tartlets: 10 tartlets Dough Cups 1 1/4 cup wheat flour 1/2...
The vegetarian recipe for Mushroom Gratin With Cheese: servings – 2 Ingredients 1 can button...
The vegetarian recipe for Cinnamon Rolls: servings – 10 buns Cinnamon Sauce 2 tbsp cinnamon...
The vegetarian recipe for Apple Cinnamon Pizza: servings – 1 pizza Ingredients and...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Scrambled Eggs: servings – 2 Ingredients 250 g pumpkin...
The vegetarian recipe for Wholemeal Tortillas: servings – 12 tortillas Ingredients 2 cups...
The vegetarian recipe for Wheat Germ Crusted Mushroom Burgers: 8 vegan burgers Ingredients 200 g...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Beetroot Served with Yogurt: servings – 2 Ingredients 250...
The vegetarian recipe for Tofu Fillets: servings – 4 Ingredients 200 g firm tofu (mash) 2...
The vegetarian recipe for Bread Crumbs Crusted Pumpkin Burgers: servings – 4 Ingredients...
The vegetarian recipe for Potato Fries: servings – 4 Ingredients 3 potatoes (peel and cut...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Hash Browns: servings – 4 Ingredients 3 potatoes (steam,...
The vegetarian recipe for Oatmeal and Green Pea Burger: servings – 4 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Assorted Vegetables Simmered With White Pepper Seeds: servings – 4...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegan Fried Egg: servings – 15 vegan fried eggs Ingredients 1 1/2 cups...
The vegetarian recipe for Pumpkin and Mushroom Lasagna: servings – 4 Ingredients 4 mini lasagna...
The vegetarian recipe for Mashed Potato Eggs With Ground Black Pepper: servings – 3...
The vegetarian recipe for Celery Burgers: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 250 g celery stem...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetarian Sausage Bread Rolls: servings – 12 Ingredients 1 cup...
The vegetarian recipe for Simmered Potatoes with Molasses: servings – 4 to 6 Ingredients 4...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetable Omelette: servings – 6 to 8 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup frozen...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetarian Chicken Steak: servings: 4 – 6 Ingredients 250 g oyster...
The vegetarian recipe for Eggless Croissants: Servings: 6 Ingredients 1 cup fresh milk 1 tbsp dry...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Pumpkin with Bell Peppers and Balsamic Vinegar: Ingredients 4...
The vegetarian recipe for Sponge Bread: Ingredients 4 1/2 cup wheat flour 2 tsp dry yeast 2 tbsp...
The vegetarian recipe for Baked Vegetarian Sardines: Ingredients 8 vegetarian sardines 1 tbsp...
The vegetarian recipe for Vegetarian Mushroom Pizza: Ingredients and Seasonings DOUGH 2 cups wheat...
Happy Thanksgiving to all! The vegetarian recipe for ‘Vegetarian Stuffed Roast...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Mashed Potatoes with Baked Green Peas’: Ingredients 4...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Hamburger Buns’: Ingredients 2 cups of wheat flour 2...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Easy Veggie Burger’: Ingredients 1 cup of soya mince (wash)...
Ingredients 1 cup of wholemeal flour 1 cup of self-rising flour 2 tablespoons of cornmeal 1/2 cup...
Ingredients 5 apples (peel, remove seeds and core, cut into cubes, puree and set aside) 4 cups of...
Ingredients 2 cups of french fries (defrost) 6 vegetarian sausages Seasonings 1/4 teaspoon of salt...
Ingredients 1 packet of button mushrooms (slice) 1/2 teaspoon of oil Seasonings some salt Method...
Ingredients 1 kg of grapes (peel, deseed, puree and set aside) 2 cups of wheat flour 1/2 cup of...
Ingredients 2 cups of wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast 1 tablespoon of butter 2 tablespoons...
Ingredients 2 potatoes (steam, peel, mash and set aside) 8 cashew nuts 3 tablespoons of glutinous...
Ingredients 1 small packet of frozen mixed vegetables (defrost) 4 slices of vegetarian cheese...