Vegan Recipe: Sweet Potato Porridge
The vegan recipe for Sweet Potato Porridge: servings – 4 Ingredients 1/2 cup rice (wash and...
The vegan recipe for Sweet Potato Porridge: servings – 4 Ingredients 1/2 cup rice (wash and...
The vegan recipe for Strawberry and Sweet Potato Ice Cream: servings – 4 Ingredients 12...
There’re various methods to prepare a dish with the lovely Chinese New Year’s...
The texture of sweet potato is so mellow, when it’s fried, it emits a unique scent which is...
The vegetarian recipe for Sweet Potato Curry: servings – 4 Ingredients 3 sweet potatoes...
The vegetarian recipe for Sweet Potato Dumplings Filled With Coconut Palm Sugar: servings –...
The vegetarian recipe for Steamed Sweet Potato Cake Topped with Whipped Cream: servings: 12...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Sweet Potato and Sago Pearls Soup’: Ingredients 500 g of or...
The vegetarian recipe for ‘Sweet Potato Doughnuts’: Ingredients 1 or 500 g of sweet...
Ingredients 1 taro (dice) 1 sweet potato (dice) 3 tablespoons of coconut milk Seasonings 4...