非常感谢 VegOnline.org 颁发的荣衔,对于这项国际的认可,我们真是高兴得无言以对;只能说衷心感谢,我们会继续努力做好绿色网站的角色!
《优越素食网站奖》书面认可 – 2012年3月2日
Dear Vege Angel,
We at VegOnline.org are pleased to present you with the Vegetarian Website Award for excellence in vegetarian information! We understand the value of free, accessible information regarding vegetarian and veganism: great recipes, insightful articles, and tips to make people’s diets that much healthier. Vege Angel helps further the vegetarian cause, and we think you should be honored as such.
Thank you for everything Vege Angel does to increase food awareness – your service is highly valued.
Thanks again for all you do!
Best Regards,